
Music, Sweet Music, Soothes My Soul...


IF You've Never Heard Of (Or Heard) Manic Eden...
Before: What'sAMatterWithYou!?!

A Short-Lived Project by Adrian Vandenberg
Released in 1994 with Very Little Fanfare...

But, It's a Great CD Featurin' Adje on Guitar, 
Ron Young (Little Caesar) on Vocals, 
Rudy Sarzo (Quiet Riot, Etc.) on Bass, and
Tommy Aldridge (Pat Travers, Etc.) on Drums

Plus, Those Three NOT Named Ron Young Have That
Whitesnake Connection...

So, Grab This One and Enjoy Some Great Hard Rock!

Enjoy and Play It LOUD!


  1. Cheers Rocket. Never heard of them - individuals obviously (who can forget Aldridge with PT?!) - so, judging on your recommendations, it's gotta be worth a punt. Cheers and keep up the good work. (I appreciate it even if no on else seems to!) DD

    1. Thanks, DD
      I Tracked it down 'Cause of All the Individuals, Like You Said!

  2. Now That is Interestin'...
    Different Versions for Different Parts of the World!?!
