
What's The Worst?


Since The Last Post Was 'Bout Bad Records...

I Oughta Make Sure Everyone's Seen (And Heard?)
This One!

It's Billy Joel's Early Outing in the Studio...

It's ATTILA...

And, It's Terrible (I Think, Anyway...)

That's The Band You See Pictured (Billy and Jon Small)...
Piano, Organ and Drums...

It's Listed As One of the Worst Rock Records EVER!
(But, Well, There's Lou Reed's Metal Machine Music...)

So, What's the WORST Rock Record You've Purchased?

For Me, I guess it'd be Neil Young's Arc-Weld...
(The Weld Part Is Great and the Arc Part Has Only Been Played ONCE!)



  1. Dont know if its the worst, but after hearing Mercury Blues, I had to get David Lindley's ElRayo X. Disappointed to hear nothing like that song on the rest of the album. Probably still have that cassette some where. Thanks for all you do.

  2. I have the Weld double CD and love it, never heard Arc though...
    The worst record I bought was maybe from a Spanish band called Sobredosis (overdose) with the album Sangre Joven that had a cover of Doctor Doctor.

    1. Hey, AtticRock,
      You Don't Wanna Hear Arc...
      It's just Mostly Guitar Feedback and Not Really Any Song Structure...
      Yeah, Weld is Great!

  3. Nah, not really THAT bad... I think. They propably listened to a bunch of the latest british heavy rock/prog rock bands and said to each other "- Hey, we could do that!" - Well, ehhrrr... no, not really? Besides, Billy Joel already had made an attempt back in ´66 playing keyboards along with John Small on drums in a Long Island psych rock band called The Hassles (1964-69), must have been the genesis of Atilla. Glad that he reconsidered and went another way, but it´s kind of an interesting album in the way stuff like Ronnie James Dio & The Prophet´s doo-wop songs or Simon and Garfunkels early pop recordings by the alias of Tom & Jerry are, not so much for the music as for the WTF factor.
