
Riding High And Falling Low...


My aim for all you Rockers at HRC is to keep you updated on the latest tours from well established bands we all know & love BUT also to bring you new and exciting bands I think are worthy of an introduction and give you a brief glimpse of what's happening with the Rock music scene over here in the UK.Which is heathier than ever,Here is another band doing the rounds on the small club circuit playing good solid Hard Rock with a funny and engaging frontman.AND what made this gig even more special was the fact it was A MATINEE gig...Perfect for oldies like me who prefer to be home with a hot chocolate and ready for bed by 9pm ha ha ha.But seriously what a great idea with a healthy crowd all going apeshit to the band at 4pm in the afternoon...It's the future...Enjoy,Ed.



  1. Thanks so much Eddie! You do a great service to bring attention to the new bands out there. Everyone who plays arenas and stadiums now all started in the bars and clubs. It's important to support the young players and posting their shows here helps that a lot.

  2. Kingpossum,Appreciated buddy and your spot on there are so many good bands on the first rung of the ladder and it's always good to catch them in the smaller venues .

  3. Thanks Eddie! I never heard of these guys before. Man they brought it hard that night!!! Thanks for sharing.
