
And I Want It Now...


Here's the concluding part of the Rare Queen
upload.This takes us up to 1995.
Hopefully simonthecat's wife enjoys
this batch as much as the first!


  1. Egad! the poor woman will be poleaxed!

  2. Thank you greatly for these,6 cds of queen rarities,as I said before had vol 1 but not the others so will enjoy listening to all this stuff.

  3. Hi guys, just wanted to say hi as i was so stoked to discover today that the ole HRC barn is rocking once again. Hope you're all doing well & i look forward to seeing what you blow my mind with next. Best wishes everyone, BFK (Bigfootkit)

    1. Hi BFK good to hear from you.We've been back for a while.
      But as usual things rarely go smoothly...lol.

    2. Yeah, i see you've all been busy but I only just got tipped off that you were back in action. The ole 'jungle drums' aren't what they used to be, but better late than never. BFK

  4. Thank you for all the 6 Vol. of these Queen Rarities Rocking Eddie

  5. Thanks for all of these. Now I know what is going to be playing at my house this weekend. I swear to God that is Manny Charlton on the cover of Volume 5!
