
And As We Wind On Down The Road...


More from the Led Zeppelin 1973
British Tour.
This time from Stoke and Southampton.


  1. Super agradecido, amigo. Que buenos shows.

  2. Thanks for all this led zep stuff,Did not have liverpool and southampton shows,I bought the stoke show at a record fair many years ago,at the end of cd2 there was a firm live show added with paul rodgers of course,sound quality not too bad,throught I did not have oxford blues,but I did,not that It was good sound quality,Which is the reason why I d/load shows off this site because sound quality of your versions is always better than my old bootlegs.

  3. Fantastic! There are versions of the Southampton gig that became legendary as the Great Lost Bootleg and dependant on quality it was the only one I ever cared to own and have several version all of which are eminently playable and in my opinion there are copies that are even better than Mothership the official live album! Just in case anyone is not aware this is well worth having regardless of the quality for the reasons mentioned and if you collect Led Zeppelin recordings . . . . . . Thanks so much smoker!

  4. Thanks but... it's me or Over The Hills And Far Away is missing in Southampton?

  5. Thanks for this. Love your blog! - Stinky
