
Won't You Still Be There...

 Magnificent Magnum and a little eight song set here.
From German TV back in '86.
Just before the Vigilante album came out
and we get a couple of tunes from that one here.



  1. Usually i'm on board with most of the stuff you post here but Magnum is another kettle of fish.
    Their early material was good honest Hard Rock with a Pomp-Rock edge, but their records post 1984-ish unashamedly chased U.S. radio with all the band's original character abandoned along the way. Awful pop-rock masquerading as something else & a disgrace to the well-respected name they'd built up prior to their complete sell-out. Music made to pay the mortgage, completely by-passing the heart. I won't miss them.

    1. I think you'll be in very harsh on Magnum lots of bands chase the Yankee dollar Saxon Def Leppard even rainbow and many more try listening to the Magnum albums from 2005 onwards not a hint of American and put your Prejudice behind you

  2. Well very strong opinion we all hear things differently I'm sure if listen to the Magnum albums in the 2000s in my opinion are better than anything released in the 70s or 80s and I've been a Magnum fan since 1979 and I hope miss summed warm sunnies spells and longer continues to post Magnum

    1. Is English your 1st languague?

  3. Wholely disagree with the comments above,Magnum were always a good band live,saw them about 4 times over the years,recent albums have been pretty good too,R.I.P.

  4. For me there's some truth in all the opinions expressed here though i wouldn't have stated my POV in such strong terms either positively or negatively. Magnum were a good band overall who touched greatness at times. At their worst they were somewhat anonymous & they surely did bend over backwards at times in search of that elusive hit, but onstage was another matter, i found them always to be an entertaining & hard working band.
