
Attention Shoppers!


So Far, We've Posted The 1st 2 Albums
Played Live In Their Entirety...

This is STARZ' 3rd Record: Attention Shoppers!

Some Folks Liked It and Others Didn't...

Some Band Members Liked It, 
While Others Did Not!

Personally, I Thought It Was a Great Power Pop
Release With Great Songs Different Than Any Other 
Band Could Do...

And, Of Course, 
It Had The Classic Johnny All Alone!

But, As Starz Found Out:
The Third Time Wasn't Really The Charm...

Live from the 2005 StarzFest...

Attention Shoppers!

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1 comment:

  1. On a roll with the starz stuff,heres a question when starz first broke up some of them went on to form the hellcats,they made 2 e.ps but did they ever play any live gigs ?.
