
There's More Than One Schenker...


UFO Steve Sez:

Scorpions live with special guests 

including Michael Schenker.

Back in 2006 when Michael Schenker 

used to get on with his brother Rudolph,

before the Love Drive reissue Fallout.

Excellent Soundboard Webcast Rip 

(track spitting could have been a lot better)

Great setlist and 

all 3 past and present 

lead guitarist's featured.

The set list for this was apparently chosen 

by the fans 

on the Scorpions website.

Rock Yourself Like A Hurricane!


  1. Thank you UFO Steve for this one. I'm gonna enjoy Scorpions Live in May in Paris. Their latest album Rock Believer is really a nice one, and I love the title song. You can immediately sing along when driving your car... as long as we can afford to buy petrol...

    1. Cheers Derek Yes I thinks it's there best album in decades

  2. Very nice!One of the best Scorpions Boots soundwise (it was aired on TV in Germany).And the song choice is superb (the fans have decided).

  3. Thanks purplix
    Just my favourite song missing (always somewhere)
    But you Can't every thing

    1. Maybe its because Wacken is a heavy metal oriented festival they didnt play it.They made so much ballads back then ,they were good but too much.They sold very good but I think they concentrated too much of them.Another example at this time was Aerosmith.

  4. Im gonna like this dont know how I missed it thankx
