
Sharpenin' His Axe...


Since smoker Posted Thin Lizzy, and Since I Just Happened to Have This One Uploaded (Wild, How We're in Different Countries, Separated by an Ocean, But Workin' Together So Well...) I Figured I'd Post It! 

It's Gary Moore's Very First SOLO album!

Gary and Those Other Guys (On The Back Cover) Recorded This and It Was Released in 1973, 'Bout the Time Eric Bell was Out the Door and Gary Walked In (For the First Time...)...

It's Just Six Songs (Two are Instrumentals) Long, But One of the Songs, Spirit, It'sOwnSelf is a Little Over 17 Mins.!

Oh, And It was Produced by Martin "Too Many Nicknames" Birch!

Enjoy and Play It LOUD!

(NEW LINK: 3/5/21)



  1. I ran across this at Trade a Tape Records & Tapes and was excited to pick it up after hearing Gary play on Black Rose - bridging the gap between Colloseum II and more mainstream hard rock. The man plays like a demon all the way through.

    1. Gary Seemed to Really Give it His All, No Matter the Band, Etc.
      Love the Back On The Streets album!
