
That Was Then...


Today's My Lucky Day...
Not Only Do I Qualify for a FREE Gift Card and
Up to $100,00 in Life Insurance...
But, I Won a Sweepstake Prize...
For One I Did NOT Enter...
(I Reckon That's Pretty Hard To Do!?!)

Oh, And The Best News Was,
I Got Some More Great Music Sent
To The Barn...

Which, Will End Up HERE Sometime Soon!

Meanwhile, There's This...

ZOOT Was an Australian Band from the
Late 60's Into the Early 70's...

And Another Example of "Power Pop"...

They ONLY Recorded 1 Studio Album...

The STAR, of Course, Was One Rick Springfield...

Although Another Member Formed Little River Band
Which Had Some Hits...

One of Zoot's Big Hits was a Cover of Eleanor Rigby...

This CD / DVD Combo Was Released in 2013...
(This Is Just The AUDIO...)
((You Can Close Your Eyes And Picture It...))

Checked All Over (Best I Could) 
Used Goin' For Embarassin' Prices and/or Unavailable...

Most Likely This Reunion Was Recorded in 2011...

Actually, This Rocks a Bit More Than I Expected!
(Put The Emphasis On POWER...)

And, You're Probably Not Gonna See Much Zoot Posted...

Enjoy and Think Pink!


  1. Actually lucky enough to own this beauty, so here's a little more context. It was recorded in Nov. 2011 during a Rick Springfield Cruise. They rehearsed only about one time before the show. They were going to do more shows, but sadly, the singer was diagnosed with terminal cancer shortly after this show was recorded and he died a few months later. Check out the "Archaeology" release for all their studio output. That and this live release gave me a whole new respect for Rick Springfield...lol.

  2. Mostly impressed by this excellent concert. Love it and very nice sound quality. Will be played more than once. Btw, Discogs lists two studio LPs.

    1. It Is Really Good!
      The 2nd One: Zoot Out, Is Technically a Compilation, as I Read It...
      Songs from Just Zoot + Singles Not on the 1 LP...
      All Previously Released Music...

  3. Any chance this one could be reuploaded? Thanks in advance.

    1. Ah, if Rocket is still around & should happen to see this, a re-up would be really nice.
