
Fill Your Heads With...

 There hasn't been a vinyl compilation put up since
mmm,yesterday!So here's another.
From French record label Carrere Records. 
It's one that was pretty familiar back in the 80's.
Five bands are represented and it's Most Excellent!
From 1982.


1 comment:

  1. Ok My brother.

    So 3 frogs in court.
    judge calls 1st frog judge whats your name?
    frog says FROG
    judge what are u hear for frog ?
    Frog says "caught caught in pond blowing bubbles"
    Judge replies "ridiculous charges case Dismissed
    Judge calls next Frog
    Judge What is your name?
    Frog replies "FROG,FROG"
    Judge ok FROGG FROGG why u Hear?
    Frog replies "Caught in pond blowing bubbles"
    Judge "u kidding ? 2 of you? well same as last Frog case dismissed"
    Judge calls next Frog
    Judge let me guess? "FROG,FROG, FROG"
    Frog replies "NO I'M BUBBLES"

    hope you enjoyed if so? type up better and pleas use on blog for all to enjoy You have my permission
