
Rumor Spreadin' 'Round...


Here's a More Recent Live Bootleg...

It's The Angels, But Without Doc Neeson...
(As He'd Passed Away in 2014...)

Also, Original Bassist Chris Bailey Is Not Here...
(He Passed Away in 2013...)

After Bands Have Been Around For A
Goodly Amount of Years, 
Death and Such
Take a Toll on Them...

So, John Brewster's Son, Sam is Playin' Bass...

And, Dave Gleeson Is The Lead Vocalist...

Far As I Could Figure, 
Here's The Band Line-Up:

Dave Gleeson - lead vocals
Rick Brewster - lead guitar, vocals, organ, piano
John Brewster - rhythm guitar, vocals, harmonica, bass guitar
Nick Norton - drums, vocals
Sam Brewster - bass guitar

With All That Said, How Does It Sound?

Honestly, It Still Sounds Really Good!

It's a Very Nice and Lively Audience Recording...

They Play A Bunch of Originals
A Few Covers as well...

Thanks for Sendin' This to HRC...