
Talkin' 'Bout The First One...

Here's Another Promo Item...

The Angels Talkin' 'Bout Their 1st Album...

They Go Track by Track...

It's 2 MP3 Files:
Side 1 & Side 2...

It Was Sent to Radio Stations to
Promote the Band and Their First Record!

Enjoy and Play It LOUD!


  1. Seriously!! This is not to believe. Over so many years I told friends and other guys about this band from Australia. From the beginning of the 80's when I got their first overseas LP titled "Face to face" (the compilation version), which was great. Later I told so many guys they should hear this band. There whers so many great albums, from "Dark room" to "Beyond salvation" (in all of its versions), to "Red back fever" , not to foget the fantastic double live album entitled "Liveline"...but no one seems to care about this fantastic band. But now, in 2022 there's the one site "HEAR ROCK CITY" that cares!!!!!
    Thank you million times. for sharing THE ANGELS.
    Wish you all the best! Also best wishes to the French fan(s), and the Belgique fan (professionally in Hanover :) :)
    Get straight!!!

  2. never see this one... MERCI

  3. Glad We Could Bring YOU Somethin' Interestin' to You Folks!
