
Before The KISS Got Hot & Heavy...


Gene and Paul with An Assorted Cast of Musicians...

You Get a Little of Everything on This Record...

Songs That Rock! 


Songs That Don't!

Actually, It's a Pretty Good Record, Overall...

BUT, Seems No One Was Really Happy With It...

THIS Is Supposedly The 2001 Remastered Version...

(The Sound Quality Is Superb!)

3 Songs of Which Ended Up On The KISS Box Set...

The Complete Album Still Goes Unreleased...


  1. It looks like Gene as a child on the cover, but maybe it's someone else. Thanks for posting the full album in spectacular sound!

  2. It does look like gene on cover,your version is different to mine,I bought mine at record fair years ago has most of the same tracks except no long long road,On mine there is the first kiss demo tagged on the end.
