
Soldiers Under Command...


It's Sunday, Once Again...

Here's a Christian Rock Band That
You May Not Be Familiar With...

Holy Soldier Took Stryper's Model
And Adapted It To Their Own Style...

They're Pretty Good 
Not Real Preachy, Either...

As Always, You're Free To Take It Or Leave It...


Unrelated to THIS Recording:

Mark Twain was an Interestin' Character...

He was, At Times, Religious...

He Once Said:
" The Two Most Important Days of One's Life Are"
The Day You Are Born.
The Day You Find Out Why.

Twain stated that he believed in an almighty God, 
but not in any messages, revelations, holy scriptures 
(such as the Bible), or retribution in an afterlife.

He also Said,
"if our Maker is all-powerful for good or evil, 
He is not in His right mind".


Enjoy And Play It LOUD!


  1. Twain was such a fascinating character - firend of Tesla and a cat lover, and the author of two of my favorite books, the Innocents Abroad and a Conneticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court. If you've never read them, can't recommend them highly enough.

    1. Take simon's Advice, Folks...He Ain't Wrong...
